Check out the resources we've created to help make your Autobooks program successful!
We've created our Partner Success Center to bring you the information you need to have a healthy and successful Autobooks program.
Our Partner site outline is below, but is other helpful contact information to get you started (and check out more helpful links here):
- Autobooks Support Center - this site has dozens of articles for the customer (or you) to learn about our features or get help on the spot. You can even open a Support ticket on behalf of your customer from our support site!
- Autobooks Support Team - our team of seasoned support professionals are here to help your customer navigate our application or solve any challenges. Be confident in referring your valuable customer to our team.
- Our email address:
- Our phone number: 866-617-3122
- Our Online Banking teams - we have resources dedicated to the many different online bank providers that work with Autobooks. If you have questions, or want to talk with someone on how to grow your program, just reach out to the team that supports your online banking partner:
- Alkami:
- Banno/Jack Henry:
- CSI:
- FIS:
- NCR:
- Q2:
- TD Bank:
- All Other:
Partner Success Center: what's inside
- Autobooks Hub: How to navigate the Hub and learn how to maximize the data and tools within.
- Grow Your Autobooks Program: Ideas on how to grow a successful Autobooks program.
- Merchant Information: Details about our merchant onboarding and merchant management processes.
- Technical and Testing Information: Technical and testing instructions, compliance materials, and more.
- Training: Webinar registration links; documentation and videos for download.