I no longer see my SMB in the Progress Center. Why?

You've submitted missing information for your SMB in the Autobooks Hub, but you've lost track of them in the Progress Center. Why does that happen? The answer is tied to the status of the SMB with Autobooks. 

All SMBs and all statuses will appear in your SMB Report available for download. The Progress Center, however, only displays statuses of Missing Info, Approved, or Activated.

Your SMB may be in a status that is not displayed in the Progress Center OR their status has changed and they now appear in a different tab within the Progress Center (ex: the SMB changed from Approved to Activated so will now move from the Approved tab to the Activated tab).

SMB Statuses

As a reminder, here are all of the statuses a SMB could fall into:

ACTIVE (status label in the SMB REPORT) / ACTIVATED (status label in Progress Center): The SMB is approved to process payments and has processed a payment within the past 365 days.

APPROVED: The SMB has enrolled in Autobooks and is approved to process payments.

DENIED: The SMB has requested to process payments with Autobooks but has been denied by our underwriting team.

DEBOARD: The SMB no longer has access to Autobooks but no additional information is supplied.

CANCELLED: The SMB has enrolled in Autobooks but decided to cancel their account.

MISSING INFO: The SMB has enrolled in Autobooks but is missing information required to underwrite them to process payments.

UNDER REVIEW: The SMB has enrolled in Autobooks and our underwriting team is currently reviewing their information.